File Permissions

The Unix file permissions model doesn’t seem to get explained very clearly, very often. It’s really quite simple, though some of the more advanced stuff isn’t so widely known. The key commands are ls -l and chmod. chmod has two ways of working; we’ll deal with the easy one first.

When you look at a file, there are lots of fields. (I’m using Linux with an ext3 filesystem for these examples, but it’s the same across the board for Unix and Linux, and just about any filesystem.)

$ ls -l myfile.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 steve users 4 2007-01-25 20:37 myfile.txt

So what does it all mean? Going through the fields in order, it’s:

-rw-r--r--    1    steve   users  4    2007-01-25 20:37 myfile.txt
permission  links  owner   group  size  last-modified   filename

We’re dealing with the permission stuff here, but I’ll quickly run through the others. “Links” tells you how many “hard links” there are to the file. That’s probably for another post, but if you type “ln myfile.txt yourfile.txt“, then the link count will go up from 1 to 2. “owner” tells you what user owns the file, and “group” tells you what group is associated with the file. “size” is pretty obvious; it’s in bytes, (this file’s 4 bytes are “f”, “o”, “o” and a newline character). “last-modified” tells you when the file was last changed (not necessarily when it was created), and finally, the filename.

For our purposes, the important stuff is the permission, owner and group. That’s “-rw-r–r–“, “steve” and “users” in this example.

Looking at the “-rw-r–r–“, it seems almost random. Once you know the structure, it’s very informative. There are 10 characters, or fields, grouped with the first character by itself, then three sets of three, like so:

File Type Owner Group Other
rw- r– r–

The initial “-” for File Type, tells you what kind of file it is. In this case, “-” means it’s a regular file. “d” indicates a directory, “c” means a character-special device, and “b” means a block-special device. Run “ls -l /dev” to see some “c” and “b” files. They’re device drivers; a character-device (eg, /dev/lp0, the printer) is accessed with characters; you tend to chuck text at it. A block-device (eg, /dev/hda1, the hard disk) is accessed in blocks, not single characters. We’re not kernel developers, so we don’t need to worry about that too much.

The Meat Of It

The main part of the -rw-r–r– information is the three sets of three characters: “rw-“, “r–” and “r–” in this example. Of the block, the first character is either “r” to indicate that you can Read the file, or “-” to indicate that you can’t read it. The second is “w” if you can Write to the file, and “-” if you can’t. The third is usually “x” if you can eXecute (run) the file, or “-” if you can’t. (the third can also be “t” or “s”; we’ll come to that in a minute).

So in this case, the file’s owner (“steve”) can read and write, but not execute (rw-). Members of the group (“users”) can read the file, but can’t change it or run it (r–). Anybody who’s not “steve” and not in the “user” group can do the same in this example (r–).

Common Uses

Common sets of permissions are:

600 -rw——- I can read and write it, but nobody else can. (Private files)
640 -rw-r—– I can read and write it, my group can only read it. Others can do nothing. (Semi-shared files)
755 -rwxr-xr-x I can read, write, execute; everyone else can read and execute it, but not change it. (Shared programs)
644 -rw-r–r– I can read and write it, the rest of the world can read it (Shared files)

What’s that left-hand column I threw in there? That’s the other way of thinking about permissions. if “r” is 4, “w” is 2, and “x” is 1, then “rwx” is “4+2+1=7”, “r–” is 4, “rw-” is 4+2=6, and so on. It’s a kind of shorthand.


We set permissions with the chmod command. The first set of three is “u” for “User”, the second is “g” for “Group”, and the last is “o” for “Other”. There’s also “a” for “All”. So “chmod g+rwx” means “add rwx to the second block”, while “chmod a-x” means “take off the x flags for everybody”.

This is easiest to show with examples:

$ ls -l myfile.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 steve steve 4 2007-01-25 20:39 myfile.txt

#                                           Allow me to eXecute the file: User + eXecute = u+x:
$ chmod u+x myfile.txt
$ ls -l myfile.txt
-rwxr--r-- 1 steve steve 4 2007-01-25 20:39 myfile.txt

#                                           Don't let Others Read the file: Others - Read = o-r:
$ chmod o-r myfile.txt
$ ls -l myfile.txt
-rwxr----- 1 steve steve 4 2007-01-25 20:39 myfile.txt

#                                           Don't the Group Read the file: Group - Read = g-r:
$ chmod g-r myfile.txt
$ ls -l myfile.txt
-rwx------ 1 steve steve 4 2007-01-25 20:39 myfile.txt

#                                           Be specific with numbers: 600 = -rw-------
$ chmod 600 myfile.txt
$ ls -l myfile.txt
-rw------- 1 steve steve 4 2007-01-25 20:39 myfile.txt

#                                           Be specific with numbers: 755 = rwxr-xr-x
$ chmod 755 myfile.txt
$ ls -l myfile.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 steve steve 4 2007-01-25 20:39 myfile.txt

2 Responses to File Permissions

  1. mafr says:

    The real magic begins with things like the sticky bit (“chmod 1777 directory”) or the setuid and setgid bits 🙂

  2. unixshell says:

    Absolutely. The sticky bit on a directory (nomally used in /tmp): chmod 1777 /tmp or chmod a+t /tmp
    This means that files within that directory can be deleted or renamed only by their owner. /tmp is usually 1777 (-rwxrwxrwt) so that anybody can write there, but they can’t rename or delete other users’ files.

    The phrase “sticky bit” when talking about a file can mean one two things; on older UNIX systems it meant that the file should not be swapped out of RAM. On modern systems (such as Linux) it refers to the “chmod u+s” syntax, which tells the system that, although the file has been run by (say, a normal user called “steve”), because it is (a) owned by (typically) root and has the sticky bit set (-rwxr-sr-x), then it will actually be executed with root permissions. This is one reason why you can’t “donate” your files to another user: “steve$ chown root myfile” because it could be used to escalate your privileges. With this mechanism, root must explicitly set the sticky bit on specific (trusted) binaries. The sticky bit can’t be set on shell scripts.

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